Saturday, November 05, 2011

Emotional @ 1:21 at Night

Its 1.21 at night (IST) and couldn't think of a more constructive way of Killing time. So, I blog when even the mosquitoes around me have started snoring.

Whats up?? Whats keeping me up so late??

Can't say....... But I am a acting a little funny these days. My appetite has gone for a toss; my system is sleep deprived these days and the social animal in me has eloped some where..... In simple words , I don't feel hungry all day long, I don't feel sleepy even at 2 at night and I don't feel like talking to anyone at all....... Just SIXTEEN days to go..................and I guess that's exactly what is taking a toll on my mind. 

I am getting what I had always wanted. Infact I am about to get what I had yearned for most in my life. My "SuM"one special. But the thought of going away from my family, Maa....... Baba.....Bhai........; Not being with them always; No more mindless arguments with maa; no more fight for the TV remote with Bhai........ is driving me crazy. 

It really takes too much to be a GIRL :(  Love u Maa ,Papa, Ashu and I wish I can be there for you always........

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